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5 Tips for less waste in your kitchen

Do you want to help out Mother Nature? With a little change, creative thinking and maybe some of our smart products, you can prevent a whole lot of waste in your kitchen - and save some money, too. Check out these eco-tips.

1 Grow your own greens

Don’t buy greens - sprout your own seeds at home. An empty jar or container and some indirect light is all you need. Some veggies can be regrown when used. Our regrow-kit easily let you regrow your celery, cabbage, bok choi, beets, turnip, romaine lettuce, leek, spring onions, lemongrass, garlic sprouts, and even carrot and parsnip tops (green). Looks good in your kitchen and it’s a great way to add some fresh greens to your diet.

With a little change, and creative thinking, you can prevent a whole lot of waste in your kitchen - and save some money, too.

2 Smart storage

Extending the shelf life of food is a very simple green action that may save you lots money as well. To start with, don’t store onions close to potatoes, as both will get spoiled quicker. And for dry supplies, use airtight storage containers. The beautiful Brabantia containers and jars make storing your food fun, nicely ordered and prettier to look at too. Because they are transparent, you can always see what’s in store. 

3 Reuse

Certain waste products can come in really handy later, like glass jars. For example when meal prepping or cooking bulk sauces and soups. Glass jars make a nice candleholder or vase too. Used egg cartons are great seedling starters and really good for storing delicate Xmas baubles.

4 Love leftovers

Don’t waste food; keep leftovers in a reusable container. When you choose one that can be heated, it will save you washing up too!

5 Think big

A true green shopper avoids products that are packaged for single use. Instead, buy in bulk and transfer the products to your own reusable containers. Or bring your own container to the store. Use reusable wraps or sealed bowls to keep food fresh. This way you can minimise the use of cling film and tin foil.

Less waste, less worries

With a few simple steps, you can decrease the amount of waste you produce. Separate waste while cooking, using for example our convenient and colourful Sort&Go bins. Especially the smallest bin that fits on your countertop is perfect for foodwaste.

Make it easy by dividing your waste in to the groups your council require straight away, with an organised recycling area in your home. When you have a place to put different kinds of waste, it is so much easier keep up the good work, so create your own waste management routine with bins and sorting-stations (fun for kids too!).

Choose beautiful bins that can stay in sight, to integrate waste separation with your (life)style. Like our Bo Bins or Sort & Go Collection. Find the best bin for your situation here