1. Keep fresh
Cut washing; apply deodorant and perfume before getting dressed. And when you get home, hang up your work-gear to air.
2. Zip it
Reduce the chance of tears by closing all zippers, hooks and buttons. For bras and other edgy items, wash bags are the perfect situation.
3. Hooked on laundry bags
Use our laundry bags in Green, Grey and Pepper Black to sort darks, whites and lights on the go. On laundry day, you’re all sorted.
4. Sort it out
Sorting by colour keeps clothes from ending up in unexpected hues. And when you group sturdy fabrics like denim and woven cottons into a separate load, they won’t damage soft fabrics.

5. Keep it together
Keep socks together with mesh bags. Collect dirty socks in them and on washday, close the bags and throw them into the washing machine.
6. Tip jar
Change from pockets tends to collect in the laundry room and eventually disappear. By putting a tip jar on a shelf you keep loose change together and award yourself a nice laundry bonus.
7. Trouble shooting
Oh no, paper-washing-disaster! It can take forever to pick off a gazillion pieces of wet paper covering your clothing. For quick removal on wet clothes, sometimes the shower can help. Just use the force of hot water to blast the paper off of the clothing.
8. Laundry stain reminder
Keep a bag of pegs in the laundry room. Clip a peg to each item that needs special attention before it’s washed, so you’ll be reminded as you put in the washer.