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Our easy guide to organising your home: 7 steps to get your home in order

Imagine a home that radiates peace and tranquility. A home where there’s a place for everything and everything’s in its place. This could be your home if you follow our easy guide to organising your home.

Keeping your home in order is simple when you know how!

1. 5 minute tidy up

Do this at the end of the day, before you go to bed. Then you’ll get up to tidiness instead of chaos. If you get everyone in your household to do the same, your home will be even tidier!

2. Clear the kitchen

Do this after every meal. A clean and orderly kitchen is a pleasure to cook in. Doing the washing-up before you start to prepare the dinner is not fun.

3. A place for everything

Don't let clutter pile up in corners and on surfaces. Allocate drawers and cupboards for linen, papers, games, toys and all those other things that make a house a home. If things are always put away in the right place you’ll always be able to find them.

4. Clear out regularly

Less is definitely more when it comes to having an orderly home. Every few months spend a few hours clearing out old clothes, shoes, bags, toys, books and other things you really don't need anymore. And don't fill up the free space with more clutter!

5. Make a cleaning/tidying rota

List daily, weekly and monthly jobs. Include things like cleaning the windows, sweeping the floors, sorting out cupboards and tidying toys, games, books and magazines. Allocate members of your family different jobs so keepings things in order doesn't always fall on you.

6. Keep on top of the laundry

Piles of laundry can make the house look very untidy. Set up a laundry system to keep clothes clean and organised. Always put clothes away as soon as they come off the line or out of the dryer.

7. Make the beds

A made bed makes the room look tidy and is also great to get into at the end of the day. Get into the habit of making your bed as soon as you get up in the morning – it'll take seconds.