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The 4 best recycling bins for every home

If you´re not recycling your household rubbish (and who isn´t these days?) it´s time to start. With the massive range of recycling bins available it’s simple to set up a waste management system that works. Say goodbye to those awful council plastic containers and brighten things up home with a stylish recycle bin.

Which type of recycling bin?

A bin is a bin yes? Well actually no. These days you can buy bins for every kind of recyclable material. Small kitchen? No worries – there are bins designed for every size and style of kitchen:
• slimline –suits the tiniest of kitchens
• coloured/stainless steel – to fit your home design
• with legs –keeps the floor clean
• silent opening –avoids that lid ‘crash’
• hidden bag – keeps the unsightly bin bag out of view
Let’s look at the different bins you can buy to go green.

1. The multi-compartment waste bin

Kitchens tend to have the most waste so a multi-compartment waste bin is a good solution. This will keep your glass, plastic, card and tins separate and all under one lid. Just pop the rubbish in the right compartment

2. The kitchen counter waste bin

A food recycling bin is essential in a world where we still produce far too much food waste. All those smelly vegetables lurking at the bottom of the fridge, leftovers, meat and fish bits need to go somewhere. A food waste bin is the place.

3. The hidden recycle bin

No space for a bin or like to keep your kitchen clutter-free? The solution is a built-in bin. This waste bin hides in a cupboard until you need it. Then open the cupboard and the lid pops automatically, so there’s no mess. Select a hidden bin with a single or double compartment, to keep recycling simple.

4. The touch bin

An old favourite, the touch bin’s lid lifts when you press it and you just pop it back down when you´ve discarded your rubbish. The beauty of this bin is it comes in a variety of sizes and colours to match any kitchen. Choose from sleek and shiny to matt and contemporary. Contrast with your kitchen colours or blend your bin in. Why not line up 2 or 3 and really make a recycling statement?